I Got Nominated for the Liebster Award!


liebster_awardI love being appreciated and it feels nothing short of fantastic to be nominated for an award! The fact that it’s for my food blog is even more satisfying, so, many, many thanks to my namesake and fellow foodie Ayesha who writes a wonderful blog – Diary of an Aspiring Foodie – for nominating me. The thought behind the felicitation is to encourage bloggers to get to know each other better and find out more about the bloggers they enjoy reading – I am totally down for that! 

The blogger who nominates you tags you and asks you some questions. You answer these on your blog and then spread the love by tagging other bloggers with questions of your own. 

These are Ayesha’s questions for me, and my responses:

1) What’s your favorite food?

Sambhar and dosa, with coconut chutney and tomato-pumpkin chutney. Sagar Ratna in Delhi’s Defense Colony is by far my favorite place to eat my favorite food. My mother’s rendition comes a close second.  

2) What’s your favorite thing to cook/bake?

I’d have to say chocolate cake because it came out wonderfully the first time I ever tried it. Or at least I thought it did 🙂 

3) What’s your favorite book?

Tough one. Among my many favorites are Midnight’s Children, Kafka on the Shore, Atonement and The Remains of the Day.

4) Pet peeve?

I hate when people chew with their mouths open or not fully closed. No one should see what’s going on inside someone else’s mouth. 

5) Something that made you laugh:

How friends and family who’ve known me for years react on hearing about my food blog. They’re usually very surprised. 

6) If you were on a deserted island what three things would you want with you?

A massive water bottle, a fantastic, never-ending kind of book and a great pair of sunglasses. 

7) If you found yourself with a million dollars, how would you spend it?

I see myself shopping. A lot. For many things. 

8) What is the hardest part about blogging for you?


9) Why did you start blogging?

Honestly, I have no idea. It just happened!

10) Do you like predictability or spontaneity?

Spontaneity, for the most part. But a little bit of both never hurts. 

11) What would you tell your 18 year old self?

You will not always be thin.

Okay, so that’s done! Now, I nominate the following people for the Liebster Award:

Aruna at ãhãram

Umme AbdurRahman at The Foodies

LoudStellar at LoudStellar

Nandini at Goan Imports

I Cook & Code at I Cook AND Code

Tried & Glue at Tried and Glue

These are my questions for you guys:

1) What got you blogging?

2) What are you favorite kinds of blogs?

3) What do you love most about where you live?

4) What do you hate most about it?

5) If you could pack your bags and go on a holiday this very moment, where would you go?

6) Your favorite cuisine?

7) What’s the absolute most important thing you have to do every single day?

8) How much time do you spend online in a day?

9) Favorite television show?

10) If you could learn an instrument, which one would it be?

11) How great were my questions?

Cannot wait to hear back from all of you! As a reminder, don’t forget to tag your favorite bloggers and send them your questions.

Here are the formal rules:

  • You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
  • You must link back to the person that nominated you.
  • After completing these questions you must nominate 5-11 bloggers (with under 1000 followers) and give them 11 questions of your choice.
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
  • You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it. 

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